Saturday, July 19, 2014

Meredith Hut's Falafels with Tahini Sauce over Tabouli Salad (Fast Food Flip- Year Five: Volume 4; July, 2014)

Prep time: 45 min
Cook time: 20- 30 min
Chill time: 20 min- overnight
Ready in: 1 hour, 25- 30 min
Serves: 4- 6

1 garlic clove- finely chopped
1/2 c. tahini
1/2 c. water
1/4 c. fresh lemon juice
3/4 tsp. salt
1 T. parsley- chopped

2 c. dried garbanzo beans- uncooked, soaked overnight, drained
1 c. cilantro- with stems, chopped
1/2 small white onion- diced
2 garlic cloves
1 small chili- finely diced
1 T. coriander
1 T. cumin
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt- more, to taste
Oil- for frying

1/2 c. fine cracked wheat (burghul)
3/4 c. water
1 c. flat-leaf parsley- chopped
3/4 c. mint- chopped
12 cherry tomatoes- halved
2 T. olive oil
1 1/2 T. lemon juice
Salt- to taste
Pepper- to taste

- Stir all sauce ingredients until combined
- Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve
- In a food processor, pulse beans and salt until they are the consistency of very coarse sand
- Add remaining falafel ingredients
- Pulse, scraping down sides, until it forms a bright green paste with a fine crumb; don't overwork it- it should not be smooth, but quite granular
- Refrigerate for 20 min- overnight
- While dough is chilling, place burghul in a bowl, cover with water, and let stand until water is completely absorbed, about 15 min
- With chilled dough, form round, walnut sized balls and flatten just slightly
- Let falafel balls rest for 20 min
- While falafel balls are resting, mix all salad ingredients, including burghul, tossing well to combine
- Cover salad and refrigerate until ready to serve
- In a non-stick pan or cast iron skillet, heat 1/4" oil on medium-high heat until it sizzles when a pea sized portion of falafel is dropped in
- Turn heat to medium
- Starting with one tester falafel, fry until all sides are a deep golden brown- should take about 6- 7 min
- If it browns too quickly, turn heat down a bit; if falafels stick to pan, try dredging falafel in a little flour
- Once you have method down, continue with remaining falafel balls, placing in a warm oven as you go to keep warm until ready to serve, up to 20 min
- To serve, put a spoonful of salad on plate, top with falafel balls, and pour sauce over top

*Meredith found recipe here

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