Thursday, August 11, 2011

Vodka Bruschetta (Drunkitty Drunk Drunk- Year Two: Volume 5; August, 2011)

Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 10 min
Ready in: 35 min
Serves: 6-  8

5 T. extra-virgin olive oil
1 fresh, French baguette- cut into 3/4" slices
6 plum tomatoes- finely chopped
2 small scallions- finely chopped
4 T. green olives- finely chopped
1 1/2 c. basil leaves- finely chopped
3 T. basil vodka
1 T. vermouth
1 tsp. black pepper
2- 3 garlic cloves
1 T. coarse sea salt
Basil sprigs (for garnish)

- Warm 3 T. of olive oil in a large skillet over moderate heat
- Gently fry bread slices until just golden brown on each side (but centers are still soft)
- Set aside
- Combine and mix the rest of the olive oil with tomatoes, scallions, green olives, chopped basil, vodka, vermouth, and pepper in a large bowl
- Cover and set aside
- When ready to serve, bruise the cloves of garlic by giving them a whack with a rolling pin or the flat side of a chef's knife
- Rub garlic on toast, and discard
- Add a spoonful of tomato mixture and a pinch of salt to each slice of toast
- Serve on a platter, garnished with basil sprigs

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