Thursday, April 7, 2011

Monkey Bread (Easter Brunch- Year Two: Volume 1; April, 2011)

Prep: 10 min
Cook: 55 min
Ready in: 1 hour, 5 min
Serves: 6

2 cans biscuits
1 T. cinnamon
1/2 c. butter
1 c. sugar

- Preheat oven to 375
- Grease bunt pan with butter
- Melt remainder of butter in a small bowl
- Combine cinnamon and sugar in another bowl
- Tear off small bits of dough and roll into balls- they don't need to be equal, and they don't need to be perfect
- After rolling all of the dough into dough balls, dip in butter then in cinnamon-sugar and place in pan
- With all dough rolled and in pan, drizzle any remaining butter on top of the dough
- Sprinkle with remaining cinnamon-sugar and bake until the top starts darkening, about 30- 45 min
- When done, remove from oven and allow to cool for a bit
- Place a plate on top and flip over, allowing gravity to pull bread down, then remove pan

*I found recipe here

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