Thursday, April 4, 2013

Jennifer's Chicken (EGGceptionally EGGcellent- Year Four: Volume 1; April, 2013)

Prep time: 15 min
Chill time: 1 hour +
Cook time: 6- 18 min
Ready in: 1 hour, 21- 24 min
Serves: 6- 8

3 chicken breasts- sliced thin and pounded
Eggs (for egg wash)
1 c. Panko bread crumbs (seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese)
Olive oil (for frying)
Lemon wedges (for serving)

- Dredge each chicken piece in egg wash, then bread crumb mix
- Place breaded chicken on cookie sheet
- Chill chicken in fridge for an hour to overnight
- When ready to cook, warm oil in a frying pan on medium heat (make sure oil is hot before putting chicken in- you don't want it to sit in the oil too long)
- Preheat oven to 150- 200
- Fry each side of chicken until brown and crisp, about 3 min
- Place on paper towel to drain, then put into warm oven to keep until all chicken is done
- Serve with lemon wedges!

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