Thursday, January 10, 2013

Caulifritters (One Bite Wonders- Year Three: Volume 9; January, 2013)

Prep time: 20 min
Cook time: 20- 30 min
Ready in: 40- 50 min
Serves: 6- 9

1 small head cauliflower- cut into generous 1- 2" chunks
1 large egg
1 garlic clove- minced
Few gratings of fresh lemon zest
1/2 c. feta- crumbled
1/2 c. flour
1/8 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes
3/4 tsp. table salt (or more, to taste)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
Olive oil (for frying)

3/4 c. yogurt
1/2 tsp. ground cumin
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
Handful pomegranate arils

- Cook cauliflower in simmering, salted water, uncovered, until tender, until firm but tender, about 5- 6 min
- Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a bowl of ice water to stop cooking
- Drain well
- Spread on towels to dry as much as possible
- In bottom of a large bowl, whisk together egg, garlic, and lemon zest
- Add cauliflower florets and mash with a potato masher until crushed into an average of pea-sized pieces
- Sprinkle in feta and stir to combine egg mixture, cauliflower, and feta
- In a small dish, whisk flour, salt, pepper, and baking powder until evenly combined
- Sprinkle over cauliflower batter and stir just until combined
- Preheat oven to 200 and place a tray inside while preheating
- On stove, heat a large, heavy skillet over moderate heat
- Once hot, add a good slick of oil, about 2- 3 T.
- Once oil is hot, scoop about 2 T. batter and drop it into the pan
- Flatten batter slightly with spoon or spatula
- Repeat with additional batter, leaving about 2" between each
- Once brown underneath, about 2- 3 min, flip each fritter and cook on the other side until equally golden, about another 1- 2 min
- Transfer briefly to paper towels to drain, then to tray in oven to keep them warm until needed
- Once all fritters are cooked, mix yogurt with cumin, salt, and pepper
- Spread fritters on serving platter
- Dollop each with cumin yogurt and sprinkle with pomegranate arils

*Jen found recipe here

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