Saturday, August 9, 2014

Basil Whipped Goat Cheese Stuffed Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze (Iron Chef- Year Five: Volume 5; August, 2014)

Prep time: 15 min
Ready in: 15 min
Serves: 4- 12

12 large strawberries
1/2 c. goat cheese
1/4 c. Greek yogurt
2 T. basil- chopped
Balsamic glaze (for garnish)

- Hull each strawberry
- Cut tip off each strawberry so that they can stand upright
- In your stand mixer with whisk attachment, whisk together goat cheese, Greek yogurt, and basil for about 2 min
- Put whipped cheese mixture into a piping bag fitted with a star tip and fill each strawberry
- Drizzle each berry with balsamic glaze
- Plate (using extra glaze to hold berries in place on plate, if desired) and serve

*Julie found recipe here

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