Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Ravioli with Browned Butter and Sage Appetizers (Pumpkin Passion- Year Four: Volume 7; October, 2013)

Prep time: 5 min
Cook time: 10- 20 min
Ready in: 15- 20 min
Serves: 4- 8

1 stick butter
7- 10 leaves sage
1 pkg. pumpkin ravioli
Parmesan cheese (for serving)

- Cook ravioli according to package directions
- Meanwhile, heat butter and sage in a sauce pan over low heat
- Watch for butter to turn a brown color and smell nutty
- Drain ravioli well and place on individual plates for serving
- Remove sauce from heat and pour over ravioli
- Top with Parmesan cheese

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